C.A. Lightfoot

Dec 5, 20222 min

Holidays & Recovery

Well, in the first part of November I had a ganglion cyst removed from my right (dominate) hand.

It hasn't been as smooth a recovery as I'd hoped.

I've had a minor complication, but now that is resolving. For those interested, a ganglion cyst forms in the hand as a result of leaking wrist-joint fluid. In my case, mine was not soft and squishy because it was wrapped in nerves and tendons, causing all sorts of issues. My complication came when one of the tendons that had to be scraped (insert cringing here) began leaking fluid as well, causing some localized swelling and lots of pain.

Now, I'm on the mend. Still a little painful, but I can actually move my hand more than I could before. YAY. I may end up needing some physical therapy to regain more motor control, but all in all, I'm feeling much better

Writing? Oh, I've been working on it. I have 8,000 words in a new book, one that I am refusing to plot out and/or outline. My characters never behave with an outline anyway. They look at it like a roadmap of the best intentions and deviate to their own detriment.

I've not been sending queries for Dark Ember, but that doesn't mean I've given up. On the contrary. I intend to restart in mid-January. The holidays and end of the year always end up being ignored, so why not take a break? I'm retooling my query letter and synopsis, gathering a list of agents to send off to and then we'll get started.

My posts of The Guardian WILL continue. I intend to add an ability to download the entire book in Word, Kindle, and Nook formats in the new year. I may ask something like $3 per download, but I haven't decided yet. I just can't sit on it any more, wishing and hoping.

The sequel to Guardian, The Demon Genesis, is also in production. Tarc's story is evolving every time I open the document, which is super fun. Tarc remains one of my favorite characters I have ever written. He is complex and loyal and just all around an interesting guy. I can't wait to explore his side of things more in TDG. But don't worry, Dover, Embry, Hanael, Raziel, Jon-no-h, and the rest of the crew are back. There will also be a few new faces to help or hinder the crew.

All in all, things are going pretty well. I'm only a little over a week from my 40th birthday. My husband is taking me to see Six, the Broadway production here in Dallas. I am SO excited. This man has taken me to see the Nutcracker Ballet and a community theatre production of A Christmas Carol for other birthdays. He's knocking this former theatre kid's bucket list out of the park. Only thing left is opera! (Maybe for my 50th)

Things are looking up. I'm feeling damn good and I can't wait to see what year 40 brings to me.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Christmas, or anything else I may not know about. Enjoy this time with family and friends, remember to be grateful for the small things.

With all my love,

